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/ The foundation model for the

retail supply chain

Simulate and optimize every facet of your operations.

Traditional supply chain management costs the average company 12% of their revenue.

Siloed data, outdated processes, and a lack of real business intelligence all result in operational inefficiencies.

of revenue lost from overstock
of revenue lost from stockouts
of revenue lost from preventable returns

/ Transform your retail supply chain from a cost center into a competitive advantage with Pendulum.

Challenge /

Product data lacks depth

That’s because it’s incredibly challenging to collect and manage meaningful data points from across your supply chain.

\ Solution

Unlock granular insights from attributes

Pendulum uses crucial signal from industry-specific product attributes like size, colour, and style. These are sourced from across the entire supply, enterprise, and customer network – alongside external sources.

Challenge /

Datasets are prone to errors – and often incomplete

If they can’t provide a ground truth, they can’t accurately inform decision-making

\ Solution

Process them ‘probabilistically’

That means knowing what’s trustworthy, evaluating risk, and then acting on uncertainty by accurately filling in the gaps.

Challenge /

Data lives in silos and is only used in isolation

That makes it virtually impossible to understand the relationships between financial plans, operating policies and products.

\ Solution

Discover new correlations

Surface otherwise invisible insights between supplier, customer, and enterprise standard operating procedures – all within a single, highly-tailorable solution.

/ Layered on top of the Foundational Model are Pendulum’s customizable Reasoning Agents.

Here’s how they execute granular, more accurate operating policies for immediate time-to-value:

Challenge /

Product operations are planned and executed ‘waterfall style’

Localized, short-term decision-making may hit departmental KPIs, but often overlooks overall performance.

\ Solution

View operations as one

Don’t just solve for one set of objectives – improve performance at every level.  

Challenge /

Operations aren’t dynamic

Configuring and updating policies via legacy systems is incredibly time-intensive. That leads to suboptimal execution in fast-changing markets.

\ Solution

Supercharge them with agile Agents.

Reduce that burden with AI-assisted tools. These simulate, align, and plan policies, so they can adapt to highly dynamic operating environments in real time.

Challenge /

Planning uses a ‘one size fits all’ approach

Without granular product data, blanket SKU operating policies never truly meet downstream and end demand.

\ Solution

Take S&OP a level deeper

Use confidence-adjusted data for complete root-cause analysis, better-weighted forecasts, and more accurately informed operating policies. 

Get started

Pendulum’s Foundational Model and Reasoning Agents meet you where you are in your supply chain transformation journey. Leverage AI to align operating policies with inventory, and improve performance across your supply chain:

What do you want to do? /
\ How we take you there
Increase Data Granularity
Unlock Product Attribute Correlations
Evaluate Master Data Accuracy
Integrate Data Trust and Risk Scores
Improve Master Data Quality
Supplement Enterprise Data with External Sources
Reduce Error Margins
Leverage Confidence-Adjusted Data
Receive Smart Allocation Recommendations
Implement Root Cause Analysis Solutions

/ Take a sneak peak at our AI in action.

Pendulum + Adore Me | Artificial Intelligence Uncovered

  • 16% Reduction In Stockouts
  • 0% Increase in Excess Inventory

Applied Potential

AI-Powered Forecasting for Seasonal Demand

Adore Me + Pendulum | Lingerie's Supply Chain Secret

Revealed: The Untapped Profits Inside Your Subscription Boxes