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Dr. Suvrit Sra awarded Humboldt Prize for AI

Pendulum’s Chief Scientist receives Professorship in Munich

Pendulum’s Chief Scientist awarded prize for artificial intelligence research

He now begins his Professorship at Technical University of Munich

Internationally recognized funding to pursue research into optimization AI 

Pendulum is pleased to share that our Chief Scientist, Dr. Suvrit Sra was today officially awarded the Alexander von Humboldt Professorship for Artificial Intelligence. 

Suvrit, who first received the prize in 2022, will assume the role of Professor of Resource-Aware Machine Learning at the Technical University of Munich, while on leave from MIT. 

The award is regarded as the highest-endowed research prize in Germany and will enable him to continue advancing the field of optimization AI, which he has pioneered for over a decade. 

Suvrit’s work has seen him bring together both mathematicians and machine learning specialists to improve the robustness, reliability, and resource efficiency of ML models. The application of this theory has been pivotal in helping Pendulum address crucial supply chain and operational challenges. 

Much of his existing research has focused on improving quality forecasts and optimization recommendations in low-quality data environments. This has been particularly impactful in global healthcare, where his work into decision-aware AI has been used to improve healthcare resource distribution across low- and middle-income countries. 

Alexander von Humboldt Foundation

In Sierra Leone, Suvrit and his team’s efforts was instrumental in reducing unmet demand for several critical healthcare products tenfold across the country. Today at Pendulum, machine learning scientists have applied this same research in over 19 countries. 

“If there is a chance of having a positive impact on someone’s life with the applied version of my research, I find that to be a real motivator.” 

In a commercial context, optimization AI is being deployed so organizations can reduce their carbon footprint. It’s by reducing overstock Suvrit’s research is enabling them to apply machine learning to cut waste – while also improving bottom lines. 

This new funding will enable him to advance his work to further benefit the fields of global health, national security, as well as across other challenging data environments. 

The Professorship will also see Suvrit cooperate closely with computer scientist and fellow Prize winner Stefanie Jegelka. They both join the Technical University of Munich, which is widely regarded as one of the frontiers of ML research in Europe. Suvrit’s award follows the addition of six new Humboldt Prizes in 2020 – specifically in the field of artificial intelligence.

You can watch the full ceremony here

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